Step 1: Download "Suear" App

For IOS:
Download and install the App "Suear" from App Store.
For Android:
Download and install the App "Suear" from Google Play Store.
Scan the QR Code below to download the App.
Compatible Device:
Android 4.4, iOS 9.0 and higher version. Android system phone like Samsung S7, Galaxy S6 edge, Note 8, S8, S8+, S9+, S10, Google Pixel,XL, Pixel 3, Nexus 6p, Huawei Mate9, Mate 10, Mate
20 Pro, OnePlus etc.
IOS system phone like iPhone6, 6s, 7, 7+, 8, 8+, X, XR, etc.
This model can't work for computer systems!
Step 2: Connection steps

1.Long press the switch key to open device, after
5 seconds, then step into next operation.

2.Open the "Suear" App, click the "Go to connect
icon", follow the pop-up prompt and click to
connect now to jump to the mobile WIFI setting

3.Find "Suear-xxxx" on the Wi-Fi setting interface
and click to connect.

4.After the mobile phone displays "Suear-xxxx"
Wi-Fi is connected, return to the App again and
click the house icon to enter the device.

After connecting to the product Wi-Fi
connection, you will be asked some questions:
"Suear" would like to find and connect to devices on your local network.
Suggestion: Click "OK"

If your mobile phone displays the following prompts, WiFi has no data connection, whether to continue trying to use the WiFi? Whether to keep the connection? Whether to switch WiFi?
Suggestion: Click "Keep" / "CONNECT" /

If your mobile phone displays the following prompts, WiFi has no data connection, whether to continue trying to use the WiFi? Whether to keep the connection? Whether to switch WiFi?
Suggestion: Click "Keep" / "CONNECT" /

If your mobile phone displays the following prompts, WiFi has no data connection, whether to continue trying to use the WiFi? Whether to keep the connection? Whether to switch WiFi?
Suggestion: Click "Keep" / "CONNECT" /
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